Vic Chadwick – The Yellowjacket

Born: 2010. Age: 11
Weapon: Twinspray
Favorite candy: Atomic Fireball

Vic is a terrible visage on the battlefield and bears down on his enemies like a golden valkyrie. He has been fighting by the kid’s code of war for a few years but has quickly made a name for himself with his twin cannons and rain jacket. Vic is driven by a single goal and will live up to his name without hesitation. Because of his weaponry and unyielding nature, Yellowjacket has slowed his aging and made himself a target for other skilled warriors, attracting Roy Ragnar to appear to collect the power he has amassed over the past two years. Despite the renown, Vic has no allegiance to any team or purpose greater than taking on greater foes. In his first encounter with the Spartan Army, he lost a plastic coat and was forced to borrow a thicker fur and leather jacket.